Download Perl For Mac

To check whether you have it on your system, you can go to command prompt (terminal in mac) and type “perl -v” without quotes. If you have it on your system then you should see a message like this: This is perl 5, version 18, subversion 2 (v5.18.2) built for darwin-thread-multi-2level (with 2 registered patches, see perl -V for more detail. Functional cookies help us keep track of your past browsing choices so we can improve usability and customize your experience. These cookies enable the website to remember your preferred settings, language preferences, location and other customizable elements such as font or text size. Perl is also a scripting language used to develop web application (especially large projects are written in Perl). Xampp Download For Mac Free. Download XAMPP for Mac - A free and open-source web server solution stack package that enables you to quickly and easily install the required components to run a server.

A good setup for Perl on macOS:

Download perl-srpm-macros-1-8.el7.noarch
  • Install 'Command Line Tools for Xcode', either directly or through Xcode, both available from Apple Developer downloads (free registration required). Xcode can also be installed through the App Store application.
  • Open the (found in Applications -> Utilities) and copy & paste the command below into it (then press the 'return' key):
  • Once this is finished (it takes several minutes), quit the Terminal app.

If you are interested in the details of the setup above...


Download Perl For Mac Os

  • To build and install Perl and many of the thousands of useful Perl modules you need to have a compiler. For macOS the easiest way to get a compiler is to install 'Command Line Tools for Xcode' (about 100 Megs), either directly or through Xcode (several Gigs), both available from Apple Developer downloads. Xcode is also available through the App Store application. Some versions of the macOS install DVD or SSD come with the 'developer tools', which contains Xcode. Only the 'unix tools' section of Xcode is actually required, no specific version of Xcode is needed, the latest is available directly through the App Store.
  • To interact with the command line and run Perl commands, a terminal application is needed. macOS comes with by default, there are alternatives available as well.
  • macOS uses .bash_profile, but most other systems (and instructions) look for .bashrc, this code sets up .bash_profile to also run anything in .bashrc. There are other differences but these are not important to us.
  • The Perlbrew website lists many of it's advantages. We recommend it here because it separates your installation from the system Perl, this makes upgrading your OS less likely to cause issues with your own Perl setup. It also means you can use a newer Perl than the default one which comes with your OS.
  • App-cpanminus provides the cpanm tool, which makes installing modules very simple to do.