Free Christmas Card Maker For Mac

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Create custom greeting cards and share them with your family and friends. Choose a frame, insert one or multiple pictures or take one from your camera and write your personalized messages. Resize, rotate and crop the photos to better fit the frame. Adjust the picture, zooming or rotating, using touch gestures or mouse pointer. Access thousands of free stock photos or icons in the Lucidpress editor or easily import your own from Dropbox or Facebook. Use our Indesign Import feature to import existing InDesign files and convert them to Lucidpress templates. Design a Christmas card.

Christmas Card Maker / Christmas Card Creator X-mas Free app. Season Greetings Folks. It’s that time of the year again to celebrate and appreciate those who are near and dear to us - the season of 'good-will' to all men. Christmas Cards sold in shops tend to be ‘traditional’ run-of-the-mill type Christmas Cards. A Christmas card is one of the happiest gifts of the season! Our Printable and eCard Christmas Cards make card sending an affordable tradition. You can personalize and print or post your custom creation directly from our site. Use your phone, computer, or tablet to share online via email or Facebook, or print a hard copy on your home printer. Every business owner needs a business card. And Shopify makes the creative process super fast and easy with our free online christmas business card maker. Now you can create beautiful, professional, printable christmas business card templates without spending time and money on a graphic designer.


Christmas Cards Making

Filed under -
Template Articles , Card Maker, Christmas

Online Christmas Card Maker

Introducing Presentation Helper’s new free online Christmas card maker.

This is a free-to-use tool to create your own personalised Christmas, birthday and Valentine cards to send to friends, family and work colleagues via email.

Currently this is a beta version that we will tweak and update to improve using your feedback. So please do not hesitate to tell us what you think and how it can be improved.

Why use this Christmas card maker?

Free Christmas Card Maker For Mac Download

What’s different about this card maker? While there are other online tools available to create e-cards, most of these will either make you send the card from their own website, adding their own logos or advertising with your card, or they make the recipient click a link that takes them to a web page with the card, which will again have advertising and such on it. Our maker is also free.

With this card maker you can save the image on to your computer or paste directly into your own email account, which makes the card more personal and ensures that no advertising comes with the card when sent. Neither does it require the user to click on any web links to receive it.

We will also be increasing the number of cards available so that soon we will have a large library of Christmas images for you to choose from.

Best Custom Christmas Cards

Christmas card best design

How to use the card maker

Free Christmas Card Maker For Mac Computers

Here is a brief overview of how to use the card maker.

1. Select the image you want to use for your card.

2. Use the text editor to write your message; you can change the message and font size.

3. Press the generate button. Your card is now turned into a png image.

A Xmas Card

4. When the image is completed you can right-click the image and save on to your computer or copy and paste straight into an email.

5. You can now go back and create a new card.

Take me to the Free Online Christmas Card Maker

We also have a free online birthday card maker

If you have any comments and suggestions then please let us know below.

Free Christmas Card Maker

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