Ragnarok Guild Emblems 24x24 Pixels

  • Moar 24x24.bmp emblems (in other words emblems for games like Ragnarok Online) Free to use/edit (change placement, colour, etc etc) Letters shown is not included, it's just for show. No need to credit, just don't steal credit! To install for Ragnarok Online: 1. There should be a download button to the right of the screen somewhere!
  • Emblems must be 24X24 pixels in BMP format using 256 colors.Create a folder named Emblem inside the ragnarok online folder (C: program files gravity ro), copy the emblem file into the Emblem folder. If you are the guild master, you must place the emblem in the Emblem folder under the game directory. تم النشر قبل 6th May 2012.
  • 1Overview
    • 1.2Guild Window
  • 2Guild Levels

1) Open adobe photoshop. Once open go to file new ctrl+n 2) Img 24×24 pixels big. 3) Now that we have a new small image ready to be worked with, remove that crap in the top left of the canvas (if it is there). Color the img in with the transparent color for RO. FF00FF is the hex code for it.


The guild system of Ragnarok Online was made to allow the formation of communities with guild members and to form the basis to prepare for the War of Emperium.

Guild Creation

To make a guild, you will need an Emperium. (When you use an Emperium to create a guild, you will not be able to get one back if you decide to break the guild.)

If you have obtained an Emperium and have it on the character you want to make the guild on, you can create it by by pressing alt+G and select 'Make Guild'. You can also create it via the /guild guildname command, but please note that this does not support spaces and quotation marks will be included in the guilds name. The character you made the guild on is now the 'Guild Master.' Once you have made a guild, the name and who leads it can be changed through Paid Services.

Guild Window

The guild window is accessed in-game, by pressing alt+G. This window is the interface used to change anything related to the guild, (that can be changed) and to view information such as who is currently online, the amount of people on, and the amount of people the guild can hold vs. the amount of people currently in the guild.

Guild Info Tab

General guild information, such as the current number of members, number of online members, leader, and guild level, is displayed here. Alliances are also listed here and the guild leader can remove alliances by right clicking an allied guild name. The tendency feature currently does not work.

Guildsmen Tab

All guild members are listed here. The leader is always first, with other members being ordered according to their title. Online members will be highlighted here. Members who have been taxed to provide the guild with experience can show the amount contributed as well. For the guild leader, titles of each member can be modified from this tab. Leaving the guild is also available by right clicking a member; guild members and members given the right to do so (via title) can kick anyone, while others can only kick themselves.

Position Tab

A total of 20 titles are available and can be set here by the guild leader. The order of titles here will influence the order of members in the Guildsmen tab. Rights to invite and kick users are also given via titles.

Guild Skills

Available guild skills are displayed here. On obtaining a new guild level, the extra skill point is allocated via this tab. Using active guild skills is also done here.

Expel History

A list of recently kicked members are displayed here.

Guild Notice

The guild leader may write a two-line guild notice (one short and one long) that will be displayed to each member upon logging in or switching maps. Note that the second line is often overlapped by the chat box scroll bar, so a short and concise notice is preferable.

Guild Master

Guild masters can manage members' positions and set experience tax levels through Guild Titles. When being taxed in a guild, only your Base Experience is taxed. Your Job Experience will be unchanged by it. Taxes can only be set up to 50% of your Base Experience. Guild masters can also write messages, which are displayed when members log on/off, Teleport/flywing, or change maps.

  • Note: For people who do not wish to see messages, (such as when teleporting/changing maps often) the /li or /loginout command will disable these messages, as well as 'Guildsman _____ has dis/connected' messages.

Guild Titles

Guild Titles are set by the Guild Master. They are used to set Guild Tax levels, and special names which can be entered in after a character's name. They also allow the Master to delegate various powers to other members such as inviting new members into the guild and kicking out members.


Guilds can also have their own personalized 'emblem.' An emblem is a small picture which can make it easy to identify members, especially in WoE. Emblem Creation:

  • Select a design for the Emblem.
  • Emblems must be 24x24 pixels in BMP format using 256 colors, the hot pink color (Red: 255 Green: 0 Blue: 255) will appear transparent ingame.
  • Create a folder named Emblem inside the Ragnarok Online folder (C:Program FilesGravityRagnarokOnline), copy the emblem file into the Emblem folder. If you do not already have this folder, you will have to make it.

Guild Size

The amount of members a guild can hold is 16 (including the Master) by default. This limit can be increased via the Guild Extension skill up to a maximum of 76 members on oRO. Note that there are only 40 Guild Title slots, so grouping members into one or more 'default' titles may be necessary with larger guilds.

Guild Levels

Ragnarok Guild Emblems

Guilds, like characters, have levels. Guilds gain levels by members who donate their base experience through taxes. After a guild gains a level, one skill point is obtained, which can then be used on a variety of guild skills.

Guild Experience Chart

Current LevelTotal EXPEXP to next LevelRise %


Guilds have certain skills which can be used in or outside of WoE. All 'Active' skills can only be used by the Guild Master.

Skill Description Levels Type
Battle Command
All guild members and allies visible on the Guild Leader's screen will receive a +5 bonus to STR, DEX and INT for 180 seconds. 1 Supportive
Guild members near the guild master gain increased HIT and FLEE rate. Unimplemented ? Passive
Cold Heart
All guild members in a 5x5 area around the Guild Leader will receive a (1*SkillLV) AGI bonus. 5 Passive
Contract with Kafra
Allows the hiring of a Kafra employee enabling teleportation and storage access when owning a castle. 1 Passive
Glorious Wounds
All guild members within 5x5 cells of the guild master receives (1*Skill Level) VIT bonus. 5 Passive
Glory of Guild
Permits the use of a guild emblem. Unimplemented 1 Passive
Great Leadership
All guild members within 5x5 cells of the guild master receives (1*Skill Level) STR bonus. 5 Passive
Guardian Research
Enables guardians to be hired in defense of War of Emperium castles. 1 Passive
Guild Extension
Adds up to 60 guildsmen to a guild's capacity, for 76 total. 10 Passive
Official Guild Approval
Allows a guild to participate in the War of Emperium and War of Emperium 2. 1 Passive
Permanent Development
While investing, adds a 50% chance of getting an extra point for free. 1 Passive
All guild members visible on the Guild Leader's screen increase their HP and SP regeneration rate. 3 Supportive
All guild members visible on the Guild Master's screen will have their HP and SP restored to 90% of the respective maximum. 1 Supportive
Sharp Gaze
All guild members in a 5x5 area around the Guild Leader will receive a (1*Skill Level) DEX bonus. 5 Passive
Strengthen Guardians
Enhance the Attack Strength and speed of Guardians that are protecting War of Emperium (WoE 2 excluded) Guild Castles in your Guild's possession. 3 Passive
Urgent Call
All guild members will be teleported next to the Guild Master. 1 Active
SkillsBattle Command ·Charisma ·Cold Heart ·Contract with Kafra ·Glorious Wounds ·Glory of Guild ·Great Leadership ·Guardian Research ·Guild Extension ·Official Guild Approval ·Permanent Development ·Regeneration ·Restoration ·Sharp Gaze ·Strengthen Guardians ·Urgent Call
War of Emperium (WoE Point System ·God Items Quest) ·War of Emperium 2 (God Items Quest 2)

LevelsExperience (Quest Table) ·Base Level (Base EXP Chart ·Base EXP Quests) ·Job Level (Job EXP Chart ·Job EXP Quests) ·Party System ·Guild Level ·Homunculus Level
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The guild system of Ragnarok Online was made to allow the formation of communities with guild members and to form the basis to prepare for the War of Emperium.

Guild Creation

To make a guild, you will need an 'Emperium'. (When you use the Emperium to create a guild, you will not be able to get one back if you decide to break the guild.)

After you have obtained an Emperium, and have it on the character you want to make the guild on, create a guild by typing /guild 'guild name'. Alternatively you can press ALT+G, and select the 'create Guild' option in the window.The character you made the guild on is now the 'Guild Master.' Once you have made a guild, the name can not be changed. To change the name, the guild has to be disbanded and re-created.

Guild Disbanding

To break a guild, you need to follow a simple requirement:

  1. The guild must have no members aside from the guild leader.

Ragnarok Guild Emblems 24x24 Pixels

To break the guild type in /breakguild 'guild name'. The guild will be disbanded and cease to exist. You will not get the Emperium used to create the guild back. All levels the guild has obtained and the guild storage items will be lost forever.

Guild Window

The guild window is accessed in-game, by pressing ALT+G. This window is the interface used to change anything related to the guild, (that can be changed) and to view information such as who is currently online, the amount of people on, and the amount of people the guild can hold vs. the amount of people currently in the guild.

Guild Info Tab

General guild information, such as the current number of members, number of online members, leader, and guild level, is displayed here. Alliances/Antagonists are also listed here and the guild leader can remove alliances/antagonists by right clicking an allied guild name. The tendency feature currently does not work.
The Guild Emblem also can be changed in this tab, further information to emblems can be found below.

  • Currently Alliances and Antagonists are disabled.

Guildsmen Tab

All guild members are listed here.
The leader is always first, with other members being ordered according to their title. Online members will be highlighted here. Members who have been taxed to provide the guild with experience can show the amount contributed as well.
For the guild leader, titles of each member can be modified from this tab.
Leaving the guild is also available by right clicking a member; guild members and members given the right to do so (via title) can kick anyone, while others can only kick themselves.

  • During WoE times members can't leave the guild on their own; only the guild leader can kick people.

Position Tab

A total of 48 titles are available and can be set here by the guild leader. The order of titles here will influence the order of members in the Guildsmen tab. Rights to invite, kick users and access to the guild storage are also given via titles.
Taxes can be set at this title as well. The maximum of Tax is 50%, which means, all members with the title will sacrifice 50% of their EXP to the guild (to level it up).

Guild Messages

In relation to the position, the guild leader also can set rights for @gw, or @guildmes. To allow the member the usage of that command, the number must be set to 1; if you want to remove the right you set it to 0.

  • @gw 5 1 - Allows all members with the position title 5 to use @gw.
  • @gw 12 0 - Removes the rights to use the @gw command from all members with the position title 12.

When typing a message with the @gw command (Example: @gw Hello!), it will appear on top of the screen and all guildmember can read it

Guild Storage

Every guild created has access to its own storage (600 slots), which can always be accessed by the guild leader. For members to gain access to it, the leader needs to set the rights on the associated title for it.
After that, the storage can be accessed anywhere via the @gstorage command.

  • Rights need to be set again, after the server restarted or had a maintenance.

Guild Skills

Available guild skills are displayed here. On obtaining a new guild level, the extra skill point is allocated via this tab. Using active guild skills is also done here. Only the guild master can use these skills.
Detailed information to every skill can be found below.

Expel History

A list of recently kicked members are displayed here along with a reason why (Currently the expel history is bugged). Members who leave the guild willingly are not listed here.

Guild Notice

The guild leader may write a two-line guild notice (one short and one long) that will be displayed to each member upon logging in. Note that the second line is often overlapped by the chat box scroll bar, so a short and concise notice is preferable.


Guild Master Powers

Guild masters can manage anything in the guild, from members position titles, taxes, guild storage access or the emblem. Guild masters can also write messages, which are displayed when members log on/off.

  • Note: For people who do not wish to see messages, (such as when teleporting/changing maps often) the /li or /loginout command will disable these messages, as well as 'Guildsman _____ has dis/connected' messages.

If the guild master wants to change leadership of the guild to another player, he/she types in @changegm 'player name'. The player becoming the guild master must be online for this to work. If the leader of a guild quits playing the game or their account becomes otherwise inaccessible, (such as via being permenantly banned) there is no way to let another guild member take ownership of the guild, and a new guild will have to be created.

Guild Titles

Guild Titles are set by the Guild Master. They are used to set Guild Tax levels, and special names which can be entered in after a character's name. They also allow the Master to delegate various powers to other members such as inviting new members into the guild and kicking out members. Players can not kick out the guild leader of a guild.

Ragnarok Guild Emblems 24x24 Pixels Size


Guilds can also have their own personalized 'emblem.' An emblem is a small picture which can make it easy to identify members, especially in WoE. To set up an emblem, follow these steps:

  • Create a folder called 'Emblem' inside of the RevivalRO folder (if it doesn't exist already). When you install RRO, it does not create this folder, so you must do it. (note: This is different from the _tmpEmblem folder)
  • Emblems must be 24x24 pixels in BMP format using 256 colors, the hot pink color (Red: 255 Green: 0 Blue: 255) will appear transparent in game.
  • Search either a image online or create your own emblem.
  • Once you have the emblem in the correct format, copy the emblem file into the Emblem folder.
  • Go to the Guild Info tab of your guild, and click on 'Edit' next to the empty square and select your emblem!

Guild Size

The amount of members a guild can hold is 16 (including the Master) by default. This limit can be increased via the Guild Extension skill up to a maximum of 76 members on RRO. Note that there are only 48 Guild Title slots, so grouping members into one or more 'default' titles may be necessary with larger guilds.

  • Currently guilds can only hold a maximum of 16 members.

Guild Levels

Guilds, like characters, have levels. Guilds gain levels by members who donate their base experience through taxes. After a guild gains a level, one skill point is obtained, which can then be used on a variety of guild skills. When a player is taxed, they gain less experience. If he/she normally would gain 100,000 exp from a monster, then at 50% tax, he/she will gain 50,000 exp and the guild will get the rest.

Guild Experience Chart

LevelEXP to next LevelLevelEXP to next LevelLevelEXP to next LevelLevelEXP to next Level


Guilds have certain skills which can be used in or outside of WoE. All 'Active' skills can ONLY be used by the Guild Master.

Emergency Call, Restore, Regeneration, and Battle Orders share the same delay.
If a Guild master casts one of these, they cannot cast one of those skill until the 5 minute delay has elapsed, and vice versa (Example: The guild leader cast Emergency Call, they now need to wait 5 minutes to cast either Emergency Call again or Battle Orders, etc.)

Battle Orders
All guild members and allies visible on the Guild Leader's screen will receive a +5 bonus to STR, DEX and INT for 180 seconds.1Supportive
Soul of Cold
All guild members in a 5x5 area around the Guild Leader will receive a (1*SkillLV) AGI bonus.5Passive
Kafra Contract
Allows the hiring of a Kafra employee enabling teleportation and storage access when owning a castle.1Passive
Wounds of Glory
All guild members within 5x5 cells of the guild master receives (1*Skill Level) VIT bonus.5Passive
Great Leadership
All guild members within 5x5 cells of the guild master receives (1*Skill Level) STR bonus.5Passive
Guardian Research
Enables guardians to be hired in defense of War of Emperium castles.1Passive
Guild Extension
Adds up to 60 guildsmen to a guild's capacity, for 49 total.10Passive
Allows a guild to participate in the War of Emperium and War of Emperium 2.1Passive
Emsolute Develop
While investing, adds a 50% chance of getting an extra point for free.1Passive
All guild members visible on the Guild Leader's screen increase their HP and SP regeneration rate.3Supportive
All guild members visible on the Guild Master's screen will have their HP and SP restored to 90% of the respective maximum.1Supportive
Sharp Hawk Eyes
All guild members in a 5x5 area around the Guild Leader will receive a (1*Skill Level) DEX bonus.5Passive
Build up the Guardian
Enhance the Attack Strength and speed of Guardians that are protecting War of Emperium (WoE 2 excluded) Guild Castles in your Guild's possession.3Passive
Emergency Call
All guild members will be teleported next to the Guild Master.1Supportive

See Also

Ragnarok Guild Emblems 24x24 Pixels X

External Link

Player VS Player Content
PVPPvP ·KDR ·PvP Room Doom ·PvP Room Gloom
BattlegroundsBattleground ·Battleground Enchantments
GVG/WoEWar of Emperium ·War of Emperium 2 ·Horus
Guild ·Guild Package ·WoE Shop
Bellum and Siege Catalogue ·TAGRAS Catalogue ·Hall of Abyss
God Items Quest ·God Items Quest 2

Guild Emblem Maker

Guild Skills
Battle Orders ·Soul of Cold ·Kafra Contract ·Wounds of Glory ·Great Leadership ·Guardian Research ·Guild Extension ·Approval ·Emsolute Develop ·Regeneration ·Restore ·Sharp Hawk Eyes ·Build up the Guardian ·Emergency Call

Ro Emblem

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